The Art Making Process

Community Arts and Education Spring 2023 Workshop


Jean-Charles (J.C.) Innocent is a Haitian-American visual artist born in Port au Prince, Haiti and raised Boston, Massachusetts. He creates his artworks through various mediums, utilizes symbolism through body language, facial expressions, clothing, jewelry, and tattoos to tackle themes such as racial identity, ethnic identity with an afro-futuristic theme.

Learning Objectives

The main objective of The Art Making Process Applying the art making processes and critiquing skills demonstrated in the workshop to everyday life and other professions.

Enduring Understandings

Critique can be used as a method of appreciation.

Creativity is everywhere, preticulary in how we solve problems and accomplish goals.

Learning Targets Evidence Collection Strategies

-Adopt the mindset of an artist -Participants start using the -Collect written peer

-Appreciating and reflecting vocab and techniques review and Critiques

the process of the work we do shown in the workshop

Rationale for why the arts are included

Creativity is something that has been stifled in other careers besides Art-based careers. What if we think of creativity as how we solve problems and accomplish goals. Through the lense of art participant can learn new philosophies and apply it to other concepts like math.

Essential Questions

How do you exercise your creativity skills?

How often do you exercise them?

Is the critique I give helping the artist grow?

Does this process work for me? If not, what can I change to make the process fit my work flow?

Key Vocabulary






The Mind Horse

Introduce a drawing practice concept called the mind horse in which participants draw a horse from memory. It gets the participants’ imagination jogging.

The challenge is to draw without a reference, and the principle is that every artist has a horse in their mind, that they will revert to when asked to draw a horse. The kicker is that that horse almost never resembles the real thing.

-Give the Participants 5 minutes for this exercise.

-It’s important to keep the sketches for reflections later.



Processes and strategies

Have participants start a sketch and give them 5 minutes to finish.

-Watch and what strategies participants use to create their sketches

Moment of assessment

-Listen to how the participants react to their own work and challenge their thinking with the essential questions.


Ways for Students to Express Understanding

Peer Review

Have participants share their work with each other and practice writing it down on paper and then sharing with each other out loud. Encourage them to talk to each other, describe their work, and draw together. Keep it positive and appreciative.

Color & Shading

Processes and strategies

Have participants use shadow and shading techniques on their sketch and give them 5 minutes to finish.




Contour shading

Contour hatching


Moment of assessment

Watch and what strategies participants use to create their sketches.Listen to how the participants react to their own work and challenge their thinking with the essential questions.



Process and Strategies

Have participants use highlight techniques the lightest part or one of the lightest parts of a painting, drawing, etc. especially one that depicts the areas of the subject receiving the greatest amount of illumination on their sketch and give them 5 minutes to finish.

Moment of assessment

-Listen to how the participants react to their own work and challenge their thinking with the essential questions.



Process and Strategies

Critiquing is a detailed analysis and assessment of the artwork. Recognizing and appreciating the techniques used to create the art rather than judging weather it iss “good” or “bad”. It’s important to use the vocabulary presented throughout the workshop. Critique usually comes from a place of wanting the artist to improve.

Peer Review

Have participants share their work with each other and practice critique by writing it down on paper and then sharing it with each other out loud. Encouraging them to talk to each other, describe their work, and draw together. Give them 5 minutes to practice and keep it positive and appreciative.

Moment of assessment

-Listen to how the participants react to their own work and challenge their thinking with the essential questions.


I loved the back and forth presentation style with your powerpoint - Also, maybe more examples of art to critique?!
— Caitlyn Falzone

Project: Pink + White


Leadership Philosophy and Personal Theory of Leadership